It's Been a While
Hey Friends,
It’s been a while - a long while.
Releasing my song “Brave Girl” has been a very freeing experience. While it was initially terrifying to reveal this side of myself, I knew God would use it for His good. And He has.
The response has been what I expected. I knew there were women and girls with their own abuse stories who needed words of understanding and hope - their response of thanks has been incredible. I also knew there were those who were misinformed on the subject of abuse or how to respond to an abuse survivor. What I didn’t know, though, was the breadth of space between them.
Recovering from my abuse experience has been painful, and the pain has sometimes only been compounded by those who have not responded well, the shocking and hurtful responses and lack of communication from friends and family.
In those moments I’ve taken comfort from Jesus...
When Jesus started his ministry his first stop was his hometown of Nazareth. Who else would support him better? He told them who he was. He told them his truth.
It turned out that they didn’t like what he had to say. I’m curious to know who exactly it was that criticized him - Was it his childhood friends? His brothers or sisters? His parents? His neighbors? His former teachers?… Were his critics distant community people or those closer to him? It was probably a mix of all of those people. He knew there would be those who would accept him and those who wouldn’t.
Their response must have felt awkward and hurtful to Jesus. The abandonment was palpable and the threats made towards him even made it unsafe for him to stay there. But instead of trying to convince them, prove his point, prevent gossip from spreading, or keep the peace, he forgave their ignorance and left. He allowed them their free will in how to respond and just left. He left both to protect himself and to refocus himself to go where he knew his Father would use him. (Luke 4:14-30)
That is where I am now. I take comfort in knowing that Jesus understands my loneliness in sometimes not being seen, heard, or understood. I also know God will lead me to where He wants me to be.
I now know that releasing “Brave Girl” was only a beginning of something bigger. I am now more interested in being a voice - as an encourager to abuse survivors and as a guide to their circle in how to respond. More needs to be done in educating both about how to recover and how to respond. The subject of abuse and its trauma has been brushed aside long enough - the more it is talked about, the easier it will become to talk about it.
I am eager to tour again, as a speaker more than a performer, and I’m open to coming to your church or group. If interested, please send me a note through the Contact link on my site and I will be in touch.
Visiting Saskatchewan a few weeks ago, I stopped by 98.5 The Rock in Yorkton to thank them for their support. They surprised me by asking if I could record an interview and I gladly accepted. Tune in Friday, July 8, 11am (SK/AB time) here to hear my interview with Crystal. Thank you, Jordan and Crystal for your warm welcome!
Friends, thank you for your continued support and encouragement, and for staying in touch - it means more than you know.
Keep going,
Rhonda Louise